
Montana House Ag Committee Advances HB 522, Protecting Farmers’ Access to Essential Crop Protection Tools

Yesterday, the Montana House Agriculture Committee advanced HB 522, critical legislation that will safeguard farmers’ access to essential crop protection tools by reinforcing that federally approved product labels are the law.

"Montana farmers need certainty that the tools they rely on to produce safe, affordable food won’t be undermined by meritless litigation,” said Modern Ag Alliance Executive Director Elizabeth Burns-Thompson, who testified before the committee. “This bill ensures that regulatory decisions remain rooted in science, giving farmers confidence in the future of their operations."

HB 522 ensures that any pesticide registered with the EPA—and sold under a label consistent with the EPA’s determinations—meets all necessary requirements for health and safety warnings. The Modern Ag Alliance is proud to work alongside the Montana Agricultural Business Association and other Montana ag stakeholders to stand up for this crucial legislation. 

Crop protection tools like pesticides help Montana farmers manage invasive weeds, maintain high yields, and keep costs low while implementing conservation practices. Every year, 40% of crops are lost to pests and diseases, but without pesticides, yields could fall by 85%. These products are critical to supporting key crops such as wheat, barley, and sugarbeets which contribute to Montana’s six billion dollar agricultural economy. 

“We appreciate Representative Schillinger and other Montana legislators for taking action to protect farmers' access to these critical tools,” added Burns-Thompson. “Montana’s agricultural economy depends on access to these tools, and this bill marks a significant step in ensuring that farmers can continue to feed our communities.”

About the Modern Ag Alliance
The Modern Ag Alliance is a diverse coalition of agricultural stakeholders advocating for U.S. farmers’ access to the crop protection tools they need to maintain a robust and affordable domestic food supply. To learn more, visit modernagalliance.org.